The CircuitPython Show

The CircuitPython Show@circuitpythonshow

Designing a PCB with Bradán Lane

Designing a PCB with Bradán Lane

Welcome to a new episode of The CircuitPython Show! Bradán Lane joins the show for a second time and shares his process, tips, and tricks for designing a PCB that uses CircuitPython. We’re now on Bluesky! 00:00 Welcome Bradán Lane homepage Bradán on The CircuitPython Show episode 19 00:24 Recommended tools EasyEDA KiCad 2:54 Where to start when designing a board? 4:24 Finding open source hardware examples and schematics Adafruit Solder Party 7:02 Designing a board to support CircuitPython 9:00 The board layout and its constraints 12:28 Creating a feature board aka the kitchen sink 14:12 Picking out parts and components 17:14 Placing parts on the board 19:19 Advice for new board designers 20:37 The DC NextGen Graffiti Badge 25:28 Getting CircuitPython to run on a board 29:39 Wrap-up

Building a weather system with Jan Goolsbey

Building a weather system with Jan Goolsbey

Jan Goolsbey joins the show for his second visit. He shares how he built a weather monitoring system using sensors, weather APIs, display devices, CircuitPython, and Adafruit IO. Jan was previously a guest on episode 33. The CircuitPython Show is now on Bluesky! Show Notes 00:00 Intro 00:16 Welcome Jan 00:28 The start of the weather system 2:09 How to solve the corrosion problem 4:50 Internet connected sensors with a PyPortal and Adafruit IO 7:43 Adding external weather conditions from an API to Adafruit IO 9:47 Evolving into a combined weather system 12:40 Discovering Apple WeatherKit integration in Adafruit IO+ 14:00 Version 1 of the weather system architecture 14:52 What were the challenges in the new architecture? 17:20 Multiple display devices and Adafruit IO throttling 20:55 Version 2 architecture: Remix 22:34 The user interfaces 27:09 What’s next? 29:09 Wrap-up Correction: Jan referred to Jerry Needell as working at Apple instead of Adafruit. Follow Jan on Bluesky. View Jan’s projects on the Adafruit Playground.

Aaron Pendley

Aaron Pendley

The CircuitPython Show returns! To kick off season five, Paul welcomes Aaron Pendley, who is known by squid.jpg in the Adafruit community. They discuss how Aaron got started with computers, how he discovered CircuitPython, and a number of his projects. Follow the show on Mastodon or Bluesky. Show Notes 00:25 Welcome Aaron and his start with computers 4:23 squid.jpg 5:18 Discovering CircuitPython 8:03 The Top-Secret Lunchbox 12:11 The Zapper lights / sound mod 16:24 The Wii Nunchuk USB Adapter 17:22 The WiFi Matrix Keypad Remote 20:02 Sparkle Specs firmware for Adafruit LED Glasses 22:44 Which microcontroller? 23:33 Wrap-up Follow Aaron on Bluesky Visit Aaron’s Adafruit Playground page