Designing a PCB with Bradán Lane
Welcome to a new episode of The CircuitPython Show! Bradán Lane joins the show for a second time and shares his process, tips, and tricks for designing a PCB that uses CircuitPython. We’re now on Bluesky! 00:00 Welcome Bradán Lane homepage Bradán on The CircuitPython Show episode 19 00:24 Recommended tools EasyEDA KiCad 2:54 Where to start when designing a board? 4:24 Finding open source hardware examples and schematics Adafruit Solder Party 7:02 Designing a board to support CircuitPython 9:00 The board layout and its constraints 12:28 Creating a feature board aka the kitchen sink 14:12 Picking out parts and components 17:14 Placing parts on the board 19:19 Advice for new board designers 20:37 The DC NextGen Graffiti Badge 25:28 Getting CircuitPython to run on a board 29:39 Wrap-up