The CircuitPython Show

The CircuitPython Show@circuitpythonshow

The CircuitPython Show
Coming Monday: The CircuitPython Show returns! Paul chats with CircuitPython community member Aaron Pendley. Aaron shares his start with computers, discovering CircuitPython, and some of his cool CircuitPython projects. Find the show wherever you get your podcasts.
The CircuitPython Show
The CircuitPython Show will return in mid-January! It will feature interviews with CircuitPython community members, panel discussions, and topics with new and returning guests. Topics will cover designing a PCB, building CircuitPython, creating a library, creating games with CircuitPython, and more.

Find the show wherever you get your podcasts.
The CircuitPython Show
Coming tomorrow on The Bootloader: Paul and Tod each share three interesting things including learn to solder kits, building a synthesizer, you'll meet Carlynorama, who is learning ARM assembly, a follow-up from way back in the first episode, and more.